Why? Well, Why Not Me?

Why? Well, Why Not Me?

I was never an athlete! Torn ACL? Nope. Broken leg from sliding into third base? Never. Concussion from being tackled on the 40-yard-line? I don’t even want to imagine! So, exactly how and why did I get here? Easy. My dad cultivated my passion for sports. As both the sports editor for our community newspaper and an educator, he would take me to all of the local sporting events when I was in school. It’s just something about being in a collective atmosphere of people cheering, scoreboards lighting up, popcorn poppin and teammates moving as one. I’m not biased. I have a deep love and passion for all sports. 

Want to know what I don’t love? The many times student athletes get taken advantage of by people who they entrusted with their lives. This became an eye opener for me after I intensely followed the Maurice Clarett scandal. It also played a major role in what led me into why I created the NIL Spot. I’m here to use my platform as an educator infused with my passion for sports to help coaches, parents, and student athletes on how to properly understand Name, Image and Likeness in order to secure their positions in life both on and off the playing field. 

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